Miscellaneous Programs and Tools

For Your Information displays a windows with some text in it and a Cancel and Continue button. The window Stays on Top. The message text can be either provided on the command line or by a text file. An options command can be supplied that is run when the user clicks the Continue button. Used to give users a small message before running a program or simply output something to the user Screen-shot, Documentation.
Disk-Free runs a user-specified program when the free disk space on a specified drive is more (or less) than a specified value. Used to check the user's home directory and warn them if they will run out of space soon. See Documentation for more info and examples.
Exit Windows is a small program to exit Windows in all kind of forms: Reboot, Shutdown, Logout, Force Mode etc. This program simply is a wrapper for the Win32 API ExitWindowsEx function and passes it's parameter to that API functions. Look at the Screen-shot as documentation. I wrote this because all the Exit Windows programs I found on the Web where either bloated (just big or many unnecessary functions), needed VB****.DLL or even not Free-Ware !
Super-Strong Reboot are two small programs that reboot the PC using the keyboard controller. Is just like Ctrl-Alt-Del under DOS. One program for immediate reboot and one for timed reboot with a countdown timer.Documentation
Restore Default Settings is a end-user program that helps the users to install default settings for various programs. Read the Documentation for further explanations.
Set Wallpaper is a very small utility that takes a bmp file as argument and sets it as desktop wallpaper (centered). I wrote this because I didn't find anything on the Web that does just this, so I wrote it (It's simply a wrapper to a Win32 API function).
Shell Execute is a small program that wraps the Win32 ShellExecuteEx API function. This is mostly like start.exe, but allows you to run files without a DOS window popping up, interprets %..% environment variables etc.. Screen-shot of help screen
Fix Registry on boot This prevents the "Registry is damaged, do you want to restore it from the backup" screen from appearing since it does the same task (and more). Documentation. REGFIX.BAT.
Restricted Browser This is a Internet Explorer implementation that allows you to restrict the browsing behaviour. Ideal for public computers in kiosk mode. Screen-Shot. Documentation.
If you need more than one window, you can use Restricted Browser Version 2, which comes with a nice MDI interface. Full source included. Please inform me if you make any improvements.
Wrapper Allows local applications to be run from within a website (can also download a file first). This is to circumvent the browser security for a limited set of applications.Documentation.


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Last updated: 2004-07-21

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